Whole field of tattoos for women are quick. If you think back even 20 years ago, tattoos for women were not as popular, and most women are, they are covered. But times have definitely changed and tattoo designs have really advanced quickly. Today's tattoo have more brilliant colors and far away from your daughter grandfathers Hawaiian tattoo on his arm.

It used to be that women have an occasional rose or name tattoos on the chest or in a prominent place to be. But with the current fashion trends there are plans cute tattoo many women out there, women are now getting tattoos at an amazing rate.

Women's tattoo designs and locations have changed with new growth. No more women are always simple tattoos that they keep well hidden. Women are now being tattoo designs cute and they make more visible in places.
Some of the most popular articles on tattoos gives itself:
First Shooting Star Tattoos
Second Butterfly Tattoos
Unicorn Tattoos Third
Tat Angel 4
Fairy tattoos 5
Dragonfly tattoos 6th
Tat Flowers Design 7th
The most popular places for tattoos on women are made:
First lower back tattoo (especially popular recently with all the hot pants jeans)
Second Ankle Tattoos
Third Front hip (again, jeans hot pants, the most popular)
4 Bill left or right
Umbilical 5th District
Another thing is that this trend of women tattoos, women often get custom tattoo designs. They do not go to the local exchange, and only by a tattoo flash design that may be available to show itself. Women seem to spend much more time looking at the tattoos they want to do and tend to be more challenging, what they want. Thus, women tend to be their own tattoo designs. They can determine the exact look and feel and have a tattoo practice also suitable persons for the job of the body so it fits well.